There are items that make our lives better.
Cats are amazing pets, in the least controversial opinion ever published on the internet. The risk of dying from heart disease is reduced by the fluff monsters. They create cute content that can be used to fill a YouTube channel or an account on social media. They're nature's neat freaks, always happy to do their business in any place you put a litter box. You will not need to remove it from the sidewalk with a plastic bag in the morning.
The most sucky part of cat parenthood is the scooping of poop clumps from kitty litter, which experts recommend you do on a daily basis. Few people realize how dangerous this stuff can be. Some litters use a known carcinogen, while others use a poison for pets. If you skip a day of scooping, you could be at risk for the toxoplasmosis parasites. People who are pregnant or have an illness should not scoop litter. Do we really need this kind of harm in our homes?
The Litter-Robot 3 Connect is one of the most useful gadgets to have arrived in the Mowgli household since the beginning of the Pandemic. The self-cleaning litter box looks like a Death Star and costs $550, but it's not for Star Wars-loving cat people. The automatic process is less wasteful than human labor. My wife thinks it has reduced litter purchases by up to 50 percent. We don't need to do anything when the app tells us it's full, we just need to take the bag out of the bottom tray.
Reducing litter usage is good for the environment and good for our bottom line even if the benefit doesn't outweigh the cost over time. The Litter Robot rotates a few minutes after the in-built weight sensor is able to detect a cat leaving its confines, and filters the spare litter to one side and the heavier clumps to the bag-lined drawer. It's better that Mowgli doesn't have to step on poop on his way to or from dropping more of it.
What price would you charge for not having to scoop cat litter again? If you paid someone a dollar a day to do it for you, this robot would have already earned its keep, including the extra $50 required to extend the warranty from 18 to 36 months. The constant recycling process may be more cost-effective for owners of multiple cats since they will all be willing to go in the same place.
The first Death Star failed.
We owned a first-generation Litter-Robot and our love of the Connect model was not guaranteed. We still own it, though it is sitting in parts in our garage. The first robot did its best to move after Mowgli had finished his work. It would stop halfway through the rotation, and the red light would blink like it had just dropped a torpedo.
The second model of Death Star has been more effective than the first. We have not bothered to clean the Connect in 24 months because the manufacturer recommends that you take it apart and clean it once a month.
It's worth the space sacrifice to not have to look at the Tatooine landscape.
The corner of the laundry room where it sits is mostly closed. I think it's worth the space sacrifice to not have to look at the Tatooine landscape every day.
There are benefits to a system that keeps track of exactly when Mowgli goes to the bathroom. He is at risk for urinary tract issues if he pees too frequently or too often, so if he does that it could be the first sign of something that could lead to a large vet's bill. Since he's 11 and entering senior cat territory, this is worth keeping an eye on.
The Litter Robot helped our cat when he decided to run away from home. We went on a three-day vacation, and had no idea that Mowgli had darted out of the door. One of our neighbors called with a description of a cat that looked like he was crossing the road.
The best vacuums for pet hair.
Was the information solid enough to cut our vacation short and find him? The Litter Robot confirmed that there was no cat in the area. We could use the bag of concentrated Mowgli waste outside, where the smell helped guide him home from several blocks away.
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It may not seem like a reason to drop a cat pee on a high-tech cat toilet. This is one Death Star we are happy to have within firing range because of its benefits of a mostly poop-free life.
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