The Republican-led state legislature passed five pieces of anti-abortion legislation.
"I will veto any legislation that reverses the clock on reproductive rights in this state as long as I'm governor," said Evers, a Democrat who has served as governor.
The Republicans in the state legislature don't have the votes to overturn Evers' vetoes.
Criminal penalties of up to six years in prison would be imposed on abortion providers if they fail to provide critical medical care in the case of an aborted fetus. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this is extremely rare.
There were more than 100 cases of this in the US between 2003 and 2014, according to the CDC, and doctors say the bill is to solve a problem that doesn't exist, since they're already ethically and legally required to care for any babies born under such circumstances.
Tony Evers, the governor, wrote on December 3, 2021, ".
The bill that would have required medical providers to give information to parents of babies that test positive for a congenital condition was rejected by Evers. The bill that Evers rejected would have made it illegal for a pregnant woman to have an abortion on the basis of sex, race, or national origin.
Another vetoed bill would've reduced state funding to abortion providers by prohibiting the state from classifying them as Medicaid providers, and Evers vetoed an additional bill that would've required an abortion provider to tell a patient it was possible to reverse a medication-induced abortion after taking the first dose.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that such claims are unethical.
The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case that could overturn the landmark 1973 decision that protects abortion access in the US.
Insider's Oma Seddiq reported that the case focuses on a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The justices on the court appeared to be in favor of throwing out the case.
The Republican-led state legislatures in the US targeted abortion access this year because of a conservative majority on the court. The Supreme Court declined to stop the ban on abortion after six weeks in Texas.
Insider previously reported that the Texas law does not include exceptions for rape or incest, and that it incentivizes Texans to file lawsuits against other Texans who are involved in abortion care after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Ohio has proposed similar measures.