There is a Moon cube. The photos from the Chinese lunar rover Yutu-2 were released by the country's space agency this week.
The photos show a distant object that looks like a cube, and China says the rover is going to check it out.
There are a few things worth noting about the photo, spotted yesterday by space journalist Andrew Jones. The object is just a few hundredths of a second in the photo, meaning it could easily be an optical illusion.
In the past, China has struggled with lunar science communication. Yutu-2 discovered agel-like substance on the lunar surface, but it turned out to be rocks. It trumpeted the discovery of a hard on the Moon earlier this year, but that turned out to be another interesting rock. There is not a lot other than rocks on the Moon.
Jones is managing expectations.
Jones said that it was not an obelisk or aliens, but something to check out.
The idea of alien artifacts on the Moon is a popular idea in popular culture, but no one has found them in reality.
The Von Krmn crater has been dubbed the "mystery house" by China's space program.
Yutu-2 will travel to the moon for two or three days to investigate the cube.
Jones speculated that the object could be a boulder carved out by an asteroid impact, and posted a photo of a boulder found previously on the Moon.
The most likely explanation for the Moon cube is that it is a boulder, according to the coverage of the most recent discovery.
Yutu-2 has found things that are cool. The discovery that the Moon's surface was made of different materials could help predict how Earth's internal layers might change over time.
There is weird stuff on the Moon. We recently found enough oxygen under its surface to sustain billions of people. If it turns out to be something other than a rock, we will be really impressed.
Scientists have discovered a huge black hole near our star.
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