Tom Holland is taller than Zendaya. People come in all shapes and sizes. The two stars of Spider-Man: No Way Home showed off their height difference on The GrahamNorton Show.
There is a scene in No Way Home where Spider-Man swings MJ up to the top of a bridge and gently places her down as they land. Physical laws dictate that her feet hit the ground first because they're tethered together on the set in the real world.
Holland explained in a dickish way that he is the superhero. I'm supposed to be cool. That dynamic made for an awkward landing where he would fall and then have Zendaya catch him. To really drive it home, the two actors showcase their innate chemistry as they stand up with no discussion and demonstrate what Zendaya's heroic moves look like.
Holland is completely unruffled by the situation. Holland excitedly declared: "It's so nice to be caught for a change!" after Zendaya noted how lovely he was about the whole thing.
The movie Spider-Man: No Way Home will be released in December.