Astronomers from the University of Texas have spotted a black hole at the center of our galaxy, which is just a stone away from our own Solar System.
The new black hole is roughly the same size as the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
It seems to be a bit odd. The researchers found that it was massive compared to the size of its host galaxy.
The VIRUS-W is attached to the McDonald Observatory and is capable of spotting the velocities of stars in distant galaxies.
UT astronomer Karl Gebhardt said in a statement that the models are screaming that you don't really need a lot of dark matter.
The stars move faster when the pull is bigger. Their faster movement is thought to be an indication of higher concentrations of dark matter, the mysterious substance that many scientists think makes up the bulk of mass in the universe.
They didn't expect the dwarf galaxy's black hole to be as big as it is.
The black hole in the small galaxy that is falling into the Milky Way is about the same size as the one in the movie. The mass ratio is very large. The black hole is almost the same as the Milky Way.
Mara José Bustamante, a UT Austin graduate, said in the statement that current models of the evolution of the universe come as a big hit to existing theories.
The discovery could change how we understand the distribution of matter in the universe.
If the mass of the black hole is high, that could explain how black holes grow.
The University of Texas University discovered a massive black hole in the sky.
Scientists say mini-black holes may have smashed into the moon.
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