The parents of a Michigan student who killed 4 students in a school shooting have been arrested after hiding out in a warehouse, and they have just been charged with 4 counts of manslaughter.
The Crumbley's were arrested after police received a tip that their SUV was in a parking lot. They appeared very distressed during their arrest. The police chief said they were wearing hoodies and seemed upset.
Each of the four counts of manslaughter the Crumbleys have been charged with carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.
The charges are unusual. The parents of the boy who shot up his school bought him a gun just days before the shooting. School officials brought the boy in with his parents just before the shooting because they were so worried about him.
The day after Thanksgiving, the father and son went to a gun store and bought a Sig Sauer handgun, which the son called his "new beauty."
On the Monday after Thanksgiving, a teacher saw a boy looking up information on the internet, but his mother didn't seem to be alarmed. I'm not mad at you, Mom. You have to learn not to be caught. He killed 4 of his Oxford High School classmates the next day.
The parents are not guilty.