The United States has another case of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, which is said to have come from a New York City convention.
The second person to have gotten this new strain of COVID is a fully-vaccinated Minnesota man who traveled to the Big Apple to attend the Anime NYC convention.
The Minnesota Department of Health said that the man's symptoms were "mild" and that they had "resolved" since he tested positive. The guy tested positive about nine days ago and seems to be recovered, for those counting at home.
The man began developing symptoms on the 22nd after attending the event that required attendees to have at least one dose of vaccine and wear masks indoors.
The man may have brought the Omicron strain with him from the convention, rather than the other way around.
The World Health Organization was warned about the Omicron variant last week after South African scientists discovered it.
New York's Interim Governor Kathy Hochul is warning the public not to panic, and to instead focus on getting vaccinations, because there is a lot we don't know about it.
We don't know if Omicron is vaccine-resistant or if it is the Delta variant that dominated the minds and bodies of the American public over the summer and fall.
The WHO has not seen any reports of deaths caused by omicron variant.
There is more on Omicron's origins.
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