Murugesu was by the name of Jason.
Vaccinations will be taking place at Derby's Pakistani Community Centre.
Nathan Stirk is a photographer.
People of Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage in the UK were more likely to die from covid-19 during the second wave because they are more likely to live in multigenerational households. Some ethnic minority groups may have a disproportionate impact on school infections.
According to the new data, people of Bangladeshi heritage in England and Wales over the age of 65 were three times more likely to have caught the coronaviruses than white people. People of Pakistani heritage over the age of 65 were 2.5 times more likely to be infectious than white people.
People of Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage in England and Wales died from covid-19 at a higher rate than white people during the second wave.
Raghib Ali, the report's lead author, says that there is a clear difference in which ethnic groups were most affected by the second wave. The worst off were Bangladeshis, followed by Pakistanis, Indians and Black Africans.
A multigenerational household is defined as one that has at least one person under the age of 19 and one over the age of 70. About 56 per cent of households of Bangladeshi heritage in the UK are multigenerational, compared to 1.5 per cent of white households. 35 per cent of households in Pakistan have multiple generations in them.
The impact of living in a multigenerational household during the first wave of the UK's first Pandemic wave was relatively small. Ali says that it was probably due to schools being closed. In the first wave of the Pandemic, schools in England switched to mostly remote learning in March 2020 and didn't fully reopen until September. In-person school attendance went down in England in December 2020. Most children attended schools for several months in the second wave.
People of colour may have saved lives by getting covid vaccines.
There are many reasons why living in a multigenerational household increases the impact of covid-19, says Yize Wan at Queen Mary University of London. She says that there is an increased transmission in enclosed spaces, difficulty in being able to self-isolate, as well as increased transmission to individuals who may carry greater risk due to age and other chronic health conditions.
Ali says there has been a lack of data on multigenerational living. The data came out last year.
Ali says that the early decisions on the swine flu were based on census data from 2011. Families who had children after and also lived with an older relative were not considered multigenerational.
The way we collect covid-19 data perpetuates racism.
Ali says it is difficult to know what could have been done differently to protect families. Azeem Majeed at Imperial College London doesn't think a targeted approach to sending children back to school would work. The consequences of this would have been bad for minority groups. The government could have done more to reduce the risk of infections in schools.
Renee Luthra at Essex University in the UK thinks a more targeted vaccine approach would have been more effective. She says that speeding vaccine access for school age children who live with vulnerable household members is a possibility.
The Runnymede Trust says that decision makers must act to mitigate the risks facing Black and ethnic minority communities by committing to a fully funded cross departmental strategy to reduce health inequalities.
The Department for Education has prioritised face-to-face education as the best place for children's development and wellbeing during the Pandemic.
Systemic racism research reveals the extent of its impact.
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