Companies' Printers Are Getting Spammed by Anti-Work Manifestos

The hacker is taking the whole Great Resignation thing very seriously. According to a new report, a lot of companies have receipt printers that are getting bombarded with anti-work messages.

Over the past few days, a number of pictures have been posted to the site showing long receipts with the same pro-labor, anti-capitalist rhetoric. Many of them encourage workers to stand up to their employers over wages and benefits by making reference to r/ antiwork.

One receipt encourages employees to force their bosses to fire them so they can go to work and enjoy time with their friends and family. One asks if you are being underinsured. One exhorts to begin organizing a union.

Some receipts mention the movement to raise the minimum wage for fast food workers. A number of posts on r/antiwork reference the movement and its goal of raising workers standard of living.

Lorenzo said that they had seen good evidence that the receipts are real, and that it was a social media joke.

Andrew Morris, the founder of GreyNoise, said that someone is using a similar technique to blast raw data directly to printer services across the internet. Morris said that someone was broadcasting print requests for a document containing workers rights messaging to all printers that were not exposed to the internet and that it was printing successfully in some places.

According to Morris, printers exposed to the web are being targeted by someone with print requests.

He said that it would be difficult to confirm the exact number of printed receipts, though he had seen evidence that many printers were vulnerable to the requests.

It's pretty wild. It is at least a thought-provoking exercise if the whole thing is the work of a pro-labor hacktivist or just some intelligence agency that is fuck with the fast food chains of the world. Viva la revolucin.