A live stream will show a comet that is passing by a dense collection of stars.
The bright comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) will fly by the globular cluster Messier 3 in Canes Venatici tonight. Both objects will be visible in binoculars from dark-sky locations, and will be close enough together to view in a single telescope field of view for a few hours.
The Virtual Telescope Project will broadcast the event for those who can't see the flyby due to light pollution or other reasons. The time is Thursday (0300GMT Friday, Dec. 3) Good weather at the observing site is needed for this to go ahead.
The two objects will be very close in the sky, according to the project founder. The comet tail will slowly move in front of the cluster.
There are some good videos for you. It was created with a sketch.
The astronomer will be able to see comet Leonard in December. If you need a telescope of binoculars to see planets in the sky, we have a guide for the best binoculars deals and the best telescope deals available right now. The best cameras andlenses for Astrophotography can help you spot the comet.
There are pictures of comet views from Earth and space.
The image of the comet Leonard and the meteorite was captured by Steven Bellavia. Steven Bellavia is the image credit.
If you miss the broadcast, there are still two other ways to catch the comet, one using your astronomy gear and the other through the Virtual Telescope Project.
The comet will pass by the Snowglobe Cluster in the night sky. On Tuesday, the Virtual Telescope Project will broadcast a second show about Leonard.
That will be on the internet at 11 p.m. The comet's path through space should provide a bright view when the Earth is close to it.
On December 3, 2021, Leonard will pass by. The image is called Starry Night. The image is from Starry Night.
Masi said there's a chance the broadcast will include a view of Leonard's "anti-tail". The comet's tail of gas and dust is usually visible, but this spike of light is different. The comet's dust is best seen as the Earth moves through the comet's plane.
The comet was discovered by astronomer Gregory J. Leonard at the Mount Lemmon Infrared Observatory.
It's rare for comets to be naked eye brightness, but amateur astronomer are keeping an eye out.
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