As many as 900 bison from the park will be allowed to be shot by hunters, sent to slaughter or placed in a program to prevent the animals from spreading a disease to cattle. Concerns that bison could spread brucellosis to cattle are raised when the animals leave Yellowstone and head north into Montana each winter. Cows can be affected by Brucellosis and have their calves aborted.
14 million tons of plastic enter waterways each year.
According to an autopsy report from the El Paso County Coroner's Office in Colorado, the leader of a New Age sect called Love Has Won died due to a decline brought on by alcohol abuse, an eating disorder, and a drug problem. The home was raided by police.
A California State Parks spokesman said that the popular park in southern SLO County is not closed, but that access may be temporarily restricted or limited.
Consumers don't see much benefit at the pump from bio fuels.
Rangers at Arches National Park found an illegal camp full of trash and asked for help.
One of the most destructive wildfire events in recent memory in Great Falls is now known as the Gibson Flats Fire.
If global warming continues, the Sierra Nevada mountains could largely disappear in 25 years.
Take a behind-the-scenes video tour of the wildlife hospital and sanctuary.
Billions of dollars are going into the tiny sector.
Is it worse to find an iguana in your toilet?
There is a farmer's co-op storage facility in Colorado. If you have pumped gas at a US service station over the past decade, you have put bio-diesel in your tank. Almost all gasoline sold in the US is required to contain at least 10% of the renewable fuel known as E10 thanks to the RFS. With the recent rise in pump prices, the lobbies are pushing to increase the target to 15% or more. At the temple.
Water agencies in California that serve 27 million residents and 750,000 acres of farmland won't get any of the water they've requested from the state, other than what's needed for critical health and safety, state officials announced Wednesday. The earliest date the Department of Water Resources has issued a zero water allocation is a sign of the dire conditions in California as the state continues to suffer from a severe and long-term dry spell. Major water districts urged consumers to conserve and state water officials said there could be mandatory water restrictions.
Illegal marijuana grows can cause fires in California's national forests, which ring Los Angeles.
As the weather gets more intense and frequent, the pesticides applied to Midwestern farmland wash away.
The budget grab by farmers is what the More Water Now proposal is about. It needs to be nipped in the bud.
The World Weather Attribution looked at the extreme weather throughout the world and found that the drought in Madagascar left it with less than half of its normal precipitation from July to June. The group found no evidence of human-caused climate change.
While wind turbine blades are often thrown away at the end of their lives, recycling technology technically exists to process them.
The US produces 42 million metric tons of plastic waste a year, which is more than all EU countries combined. The US is the world's biggest culprit in generating plastic waste and the country needs a new strategy to curb the vast amount of plastic that ends up in the oceans.
Treasure Coast Newspapers
Gary Faircloth and Paul Sperco caught jacks, bluefish, and a limit of pompano on Hutchinson Island.