According to reporters, the former employee of Jeffrey Epstein testified that he saw topless women at the pool and that he met two of the women who said they were slaves.
Ghislaine Maxwell is on trial in York City for sex traffickers. A photo by Jane Rosenthal.
The images are from the same source.
When Maxwell moved into the house, she told Juan to not speak to him unless he asked a question and not to look at his eyes.
He said that she would sleep in his bedroom when she was with him.
Virginia Giuffre and a woman who testified earlier this week using the name Jane, were two of the accusers who appeared to be under the age of 18.
He said he saw Jane spending time with her friends when her mother wasn't around.
It is thought that Jane remembered Alessi from her earlier testimony.
He also saw women in their twenties by the pool, often topless, and he received massages up to three times a day.
When asked what the checklist meant, he said he was supposed to be blind. To say nothing.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
The court heard from Jane, who said that she was brought to the US by Prince Andrew and Donald Trump, and that she was introduced to them when she was 14. She didn't accuse Trump or Prince Andrew of anything.
The key background.
The trial of Maxwell is expected to last about six weeks. There are two counts of perjury against her. She has been denied bail several times since she was arrested in July 2020 due to her being a flight risk due to her wealth and global connections as well as the seriousness of the charges. The ex-girlfriend of the man who died by suicide in a federal jail cell in August was Maxwell.
The New York Daily News has a story about how Ghislaine Maxwell was boss from hell.
The court heard that Gaile Maxwell warned the house manager not to look at his eyes.
Ghislaine Maxwell had control over the financier's world according to a former employee. The New York Times.
The ex-employee details the strange demands of Maxwell.
Jeffrey Epstein's house manager says Ghislaine Maxwell ran his properties.
According to the trial, the accused says she met Trump when she was 14.