A lower court of the French Parliament on Wednesday approved a draft law that would make it a crime to bully in school and could result in up to three years in prison.
A boy is Ridiculing another.
The images were provided by Corbis.
The lower house of France's Parliament approved the draft on Wednesday and will be forwarded to the Senate, where it will be adopted in February, according to The Guardian.
The law would impose fines of up to 45,000 (over $50,000) depending on the severity of the case and the age of the culprit, as well as increase resources for education and prevention.
The legislation was drafted by Erwan Balant, a member of parliament from Brittany, who said that the law is not about sending children to prison, but about a justice system for minor accused that takes into account their age and powers of discernment.
Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French President's education minister, supported the proposed law during a debate.
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Blanquer said that they will never accept the lives of their children being shattered.
The key background.
Two teenagers were arrested on murder charges after the body of a 14-year-old girl was found in a river near Paris. The mother of the girl said that her daughter had been the victim of harassment after photos of her in her underwear were posted on the app. A study by the Caisse d'Epargne and the e-France association showed that 20% of children say they have been confronted with a situation of cyberbullies.
A French court sentenced 11 people to up to six months in prison for harassing and threatening a then-16-year-old girl on social media after she posted a rant considered to be anti-Islam. The presiding judge said that social networks are the street. Don't do it on social networks, what you wouldn't do in the street.