TESS discovers a planet the size of Mars but with the makeup of Mercury

The star of the exoplanet GJ A year has passed since then. Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system with an average time of 88 days, compared to GJ 361b which has an average time of 78 days. The rocky planet GJ 361b is similar to Mercury in structure and density. It probably has an iron core. This precise characterisation is based on high-precision measurements of mass and radius and not on the size of the Sun. The temperature on the side of the planet facing the star is between 1300 and 1500 Celsius, which is a lot of radiation. Iron and rocks melt at these temperatures. The credit is for SPP 1992 (Patricia Klein).

Ultra- short-period planets are small, compact worlds that can complete an elliptical path around their stars in less than 24 hours. One of the continuing mysteries of exoplanetary science is how these planets came to be in such extreme configurations.

Astronomers have discovered a planet that is also super light. The planet GJ is in the sky in eight hours. One of the lightest planets discovered to date is the planet that is half the size of Mars.

Researchers were able to pin down the properties of the planet that were not possible with previously detected USPs because it is so close to a nearby star. The team determined that GJ 376 b is a rocky planet with a solid core similar to Mercury's.

The Earth gets less radiation than the sun from GJ , which is why the astronomer think it is blasted with 500 times more radiation. The planet's dayside is able to boil at up to 1,500 degrees Celsius. Any substantial atmosphere and any signs of life would have been destroyed by the extreme temperatures.

There is a chance that the planet has some sort of water source. Its star is a red dwarf, a type of star that can host multiple planets. The discovery of GJ 368 b around a star points to the possibility of more planets in this system.

George Ricker, senior research scientist in MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, says that the star's habitable zone would be between two and three weeks. We have a good chance of seeing other planets in this system since this star is so close by. It's like there's a sign saying, "Look here for extra planets!"

The results are in the journal Science. The study was led by researchers from the Institute of Planetary Research at the GermanAerospace Center, in collaboration with an international group of researchers, including MIT co-authors Ricker, and Sara Seager.

There are known small planets. The credit is given to Science (Lam et al., 2021.

The tests are about transit.

Ricker is the principal investigator of the TESS mission, which discovered the new planet. TESS watches the sky for changes in the stars' brightness. Scientists look through TESS data for transits, or dips in starlight that indicate a planet is crossing and blocking a star's light.

TESS recorded a patch of the southern sky in the middle of the year. Scientists at MIT and other places analyzed the data and found a transiting object. They ran several tests to make sure the signal was not from a false positive source.

They used the European Southern Observatory's telescope in Chile to observe the planet's star more closely after they confirmed it was an ultra- short-period planet.

The planet was found to be among the lightest planets discovered to date, with a mass of 55 percent and a radius of 72 percent. The planet is likely to have an iron-rich core.

The iron core of the planet is similar to that of Mercury, according to the researchers who combed through various possibilities for the planet's interior composition.

The principal research scientist at MIT says that they have found a planet with the composition of Mercury. It's among the smallest planets detected to date, and it's spinning around an M dwarf on a very tight path.

Scientists hope to find signals of other planets in the system as they study GJ . The properties of these planets could provide clues to how GJ 362 b came to be.

TESS team member Natalia Guerrero says that understanding how these planets get so close to their host stars is a detective story. Why is the planet missing its atmosphere? How close was it to the door? Was the process peaceful or violent? Hopefully this system will give us more information.

A dense ultra- short period sub- Earth planet transiting a red dwarf star is the topic of a new book. www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aay3253

Science journal information.

TESS discovered a planet the size of Mars but with the makeup of Mercury.

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