The image is called "chorus image" and it can be found on thecdn.vox-cdn.com.
My friend said that this picture makes him look like Hide the Pain Harold.
People started making fun of the company's new leadership and board of directors pages after the news that Square is changing its name to Block. Block is still a financial company that operates Cash App and Tidal and still has Jack Dorsey as its CEO, but the leadership pages now feature each person's portrait projected onto cubes. A tool that lets you create your own blockhead image has been created by the user.
If you want the best results, you can use Blockify Yourself, which will turn any close-up image of your face into a cube. If you want to make the nightmare look better, you can change the colors used to tint each side.
:noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com
My creation is beautiful.
:noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com
The real thing.
The Save button can be used when you are done with your masterpiece. Cubism is where artists just stick random images on cubes. I am pretty sure that is correct. I don't think there's anything you can do with that file except stare at it and wonder what you've done to the world. I'm joking, just make your profile picture look like a profile picture of a geometry-shaped pun. It will be funny for people to wonder what you are doing, but you may catch a block or two. Or use it to make funny jokes. Block seems to be into it.
Square said that the name Block is partially inspired by the technology of theBlockchains, as well as the tungsten cubes that became a fad amongst theCrypto community. Jack has a cube with his portrait laser-engraved on it, which is a gift in and of itself.