How to go live on TikTok — and 9 tips to create engaging live content

Live on TikTok can help you build your audience. You can earn money through gift points.

You have to meet certain requirements to use the option on the app.

There are tips for creating a successful live stream.
Who can live on TikTok?

You have to be at least 16 years old and have at least 1,000 followers to live on TikTok.
Younger people can't earn gift points, but creators who are at least 18 can.
You can't offer incentives for giving gifts while you're alive. You will violate TikTok's community guidelines if you don't.

How to use TikTok.

1. If you have to, open your TikTok app and log in.

2. The sign is located at the bottom-center of the screen.

You can access the live option by tapping the plus sign.

Delfino is named after him.

3. The Live button is located next to the option to record.

4. Go Live will start if you enter the title of your livestream.

If you don't see the option to go live from the recording screen, it's probably because your account doesn't meet the requirements.

There are tips for going live on TikTok.

These tips can be used to create engaging live content on TikTok.

Set up the scene. Make sure you have a stable surface for filming. A ring light will make your livestream look professional.
Quality audio is important. Make sure there's no background noise that distracts your audience.
Time it right. When your audience is most likely to be on the app, try to time your livestream accordingly. This will help you see more.
You can watch the length. TikTok says you should aim for a 30-minute time slot.
You should plan ahead. Prepare what you'll do to avoid the dead air.
You should expand your reach. You can get new viewers by posting a TikTok before you go live.
Check your internet connection. Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
You can interact with your audience. If you can, read and respond to the comments.
Get help from a friend. To screen out and block troll, use a moderation.