Tomasz Nowakowski is a writer for the website Phys.org.
The light curve of TOI-2109 is phase-folded. Wong et al., 2021.
An international group of astronomy researchers have detected a new, ultra-hot gas giant exoplanet with an extremely short orbital period. The TOI-2109b is five times larger than Jupiter and is the shortest-period gas giant known to date. The paper was published on arXiv.org.
TESS is looking for transiting exoplanets by surveying 200,000 stars near the sun. Over 4,700 candidate exoplanets have been identified so far, of which 172 have been confirmed.
Ian Wong of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the leaders of a team of Astronomers. The light curve of a mid–late F-type star known as TOI-2109 has been identified as a transit signal. Follow-up observations confirmed the planetary nature of the signal.
The authors of the study said that they had discovered a transiting ultra hot Jupiter that had the shortest orbital period of any known gas-giant exoplanet.
The TOI-2109b has a mass that is estimated to be around five Jupiter mass. At a distance of some 0.018AU from its host, the planet goes around every 16 hours and eight minutes. This is the shortest period so far detected. The researchers were able to classify TOI-2109b as an ultra hot Jupiter because of the equilibrium temperature.
The parent star TOI-2109 is 70 percent larger than the sun and has a mass of about 1.5 solar mass. It has a metallicity of 0.068 and a luminosity of 4.71 solar luminosities. The star is 1.77 billion years old and is located away from the Earth.
The TOI-2109b system is an ideal target for searches for tidal orbital decay because of its short and short elliptical path. They said that TOI-2109b is an excellent candidate for intensive atmospheric characterization because of the high levels of stellar irradiation and the brightness of the host.
TOI-2109b is an ideal target for follow-up studies due to its extreme irradiation and strong planet–star interaction.
When TESS returns to observe TOI-2109b, future phase-curve observations should be performed.
Ian Wong and his team describe TOI-2109b, an Ultrahot Gas Giant on a 16 hr Orbit.
The Science X Network will be launched in 2021.
The shortest-period gas-giant exoplanet discovered with TESS was retrieved on December 2, 2021.
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