The image is called "Blocklockupreverseblack_1920x1080.0."
Block has a new logo.
The image is Block.
Square is changing its name to Block, the company announced Wednesday. Square has grown beyond just offering financial services, for example, which Block is using as the justification for the new name.
The company said in a press release that the change to Block acknowledges the company's growth. The name change creates room for further growth as the company has added Cash App, TIDAL, and TBD as businesses. Block is an overarching system of businesses that are united by their purpose of economic empowerment and serve many people.
Block says there will be no organizational changes as a result of the new name, and the company's Square cripto initiative is being renamed to Spiral. The new Block name is expected to go into effect on December 10th. The ticker symbol will not change at this time.
The changes are being announced two days after the resignation of the CEO of the company. He was the CEO of both Square and Twitter at the same time. He is the CEO of Block.
Facebook changed its name to Meta just over a month ago.