Each year, at the end of the year, the service provides a "Spotify Wrapped" recap of each user's listening habits and favorite songs. Apple Music users may be wondering how to get their own "Wrapped" rundown, as they love the year-end feature that is available on Spotify.
Apple doesn't have a year-end wrap up that's as good as that of Spotify, but it does have a feature called "Apple Music Replay," which ranks all of your top songs for the year.
Apple Music replay is updated on a yearly basis, and it updates each week to give you a constantly changing list of your favorite songs. Signing in to Apple Music on the Apple Music Replay website will get you to the best Apple Music experience on the web.
You can see the number of hours you've listened to music and the top albums and artists on the Replay website. If you want to share the statistics on social media, you'll need to take pictures.
You can listen to the Apple Music replay on the iPad or iPhone, but you will need to sign in on the web to see the more detailed statistics.
The "Listen Now" tab is found in the Apple Music app.
Click on "Apple Music."
Pick one of the replay lists. You can see how your tastes have changed over time with the Apple Music playlists.
There's no Apple Music equivalent, and one of the best parts of the service is that it packages up all of your year-end statistics into neat little graphics that can be shared on social media.
Apple Music Replay is not as detailed as the one provided by Spotify Wrapped, which provides information on top artists, genres, songs, and minutes listened. "The Movie" is an add-on that pairs top songs with classic scenes from movies and compares each user's listening taste with friends.
Apple Music users are going to get the best of both worlds, because Apple has declined to make a true year-end highlight reel, but the year-end feature from Spotify is more comprehensive.