A new book written by one of Donald Trump's high ranking staffers claims that the president tested positive for COVID-19 before interacting with hundreds of people in the fall of 2020.
The forthcoming book from a former White House chief of staff describes a tense scene on Air Force One when it was learned that the commander-in-chief had tested positive for the coronaviruses.
We are sure you can decode Trump's response.
After the call, the chief of staff gave Trump a rapid COVID test, which came back negative. The president took that as a sign that he had full permission to press on as if nothing had happened, but he was instructed by the leader to treat him as if he was positive.
The first positive test came back on September 26, and after the second test came back negative, Trump continued with his Pennsylvania rally.
The day before he held an event with veteran families, the day before he held a Rose Garden press conference for Supreme Court Justice Amy ConeyBarrett, and three before that, Trump had a positive test.
The public was not informed of any of Trump's COVID tests until October 2, when he was so sick he had to be flown to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
If this is correct, Trump's representatives lied when they said he had tested positive just before he went to the hospital.
According to his book, Meadows described how he helped Trump stage various stunts, like his bizarre Walter Reed drive-by and his even-stranger Twitter video, to show he was in good health. We know that he was sicker than the White House said, and if the book is to be believed, he was also sicker for longer than we knew.
The former president got himself banned from the White House for inciting a riot because he called his former chief of staff a fake news.
There are many levels of terribleness to this story, not the least of which is the fact that Trump blamed the Gold Star veterans he was saving for the plague.
We thank our lucky stars that we don't have to deal with him anymore.
The Washington Post reported on the reckless timelines of Trump's positive coronaviruses test.
He-who-Must-not-be-named: Trump admitted on tape that he knew of the death of Covid-19.
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