Oxford Township is in Michigan. A 15-year-old boy was charged with murder, terrorism and other crimes for a shooting at a Michigan high school that killed four fellow students and injured others.
Karen McDonald, the prosecutor in Oakland County, did not reveal a possible motive for Tuesday's violence at Oxford High School and refused to say if she believed the victims were specifically targeted. She said the shooting was pre-meditated and that there was a lot of digital evidence collected by police.
The boy's parents were summoned to the school before the violence, according to the sheriff. The behavior school officials were concerned about was not discussed.
He said that there was nothing that he could have faced that would warrant the violence that other kids would have experienced.
30 miles north of Detroit is where the shooting took place in a school hallway. At least seven people were injured.
Crumbley was charged as an adult with murder, attempted murder and terrorism causing death. It was not immediately known if he had an attorney who could comment.
McDonald said that this was not just an impulsive act.
McDonald said that the shooting should be a wakeup call for new gun laws.
McDonald said that they have to do better. How many times must this happen? How many times?
The charges were announced a few hours after investigators reported that a fourth student had died.
All the children who ran, screaming, hiding under desks? They are all victims and so is the community. The prosecutor said that the charge of terrorism reflected that.
Within minutes of the shooting, Crumbley was arrested in a hallway. His father bought a gun last week.
McDonald said that more charges will be filed.
She said that they were considering charges against both parents.
She said that owning a gun means securing it and keeping it separate.
The four students who were killed were identified as Tate Myre, Hana St. Juliana, 17-year-old Madisyn Baldwin and 17-year-old Justin Shilling.
Social media posts about a shooting at the school were discovered by authorities. The sheriff warned against spreading social media rumors before a full investigation, while stressing how important it is for tips to be sent to authorities.
The deer's head was thrown off the school roof in November, but undersheriff Mike McCabe said it was unrelated to the shooting. School administrators wrote letters to parents on the school's website after the incident, saying they were responding to rumors of a threat against the school but had found nothing.
Isabel Flores told Detroit television station WJBK that she and other students heard gunshots and saw another student bleeding from the face. She said they ran from the area through the back of the school.
Robin Redding said her son stayed home Tuesday after hearing threats of a shooting.
She said that it couldn't be just random.
Bryant said he had heard threats about a shooting for a long time.
At the LakePoint Community Church on Tuesday night, Leeann was overcome with emotion as she hugged her friends and neighbors. She has lived in Oxford for 73 years. Her children attended the high school.
Scared us all. It's terrible, said Dersa.
The pastor said he and his wife received texts from some of the students who were at the church when the shooting happened.
Some people were hiding and texting us that they were ok. We heard gunshots, but we are okay. He said that they were trying to calm us.
Ryan Kryska, Mike Householder, David Aguilar, Kathleen Foody, and Josh Boak are Associated Press journalists. Rhonda Shafner is a researcher in New York.