Travis Scott's Offer to Cover Funerals Rejected By More Families

More families of people who died at Astroworld Fest are not willing to pay for Scott's burial costs.

The families of 14-year-old John Hilgert and 27-year-old Danish Baig have been repping by attorneys. One family suggested that it was a slap in the face when the families snubbedTS.

Attorney Michael Lyons is representing Baig's family in a civil lawsuit. "My clients are rejecting the offer from Dan Petrocelli because he said he would pay $7,500 for funeral burial costs."

As for why? Lyons says the Baig family doesn't want their son's friend to be near his burial.

The law firm that is representing Hilgert's family in a similar lawsuit against Travis turned down the offer, but they didn't explain why. No word on whether it was in the amount of $7,500.

Lyons told us that his clients are hopeful for legislative reform so that this can never happen again, and that he and the family hope to gain more from these lawsuits.

We reported that the family of 9-year-old Ezra Blount rejected the offer of burial costs. We wouldn't be surprised if all of the family didn't take him up on the offer.