According to a new report from the Star-Telegram, Marcus Lamb, televangelist and founder of the Christian TV network Daystar, died Tuesday after being hospitalized with covid-19. Lamb was 64 years old and his network regularly denounced covid-19 vaccination efforts as the work of evil forces.
Daystar said that Marcus Lamb, president and founder of the network, went home to be with the Lord this morning.
As they grieve, the family asks that their privacy be respected. Please continue to pray for them.
Lamb tried alternative treatments for covid-19, but it is not clear what he tried. Lamb was also reported to have diabetes.
According to the Washington Post, Lamb said on Tuesday that they were trying to treat the covid and pneumonia with the different protocols they use.
I used them myself and had no trouble with covid. He believed in everything we said on Daystar, things that help so many people around the world with early protocol treatments for covid. We still stand by those.
The Daystar website now features a tribute to Lamb but also has a section dedicated to spreading misinformation about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Robert Kennedy Jr. and Simone Gold are anti-vaccine figures who spoke at a press conference on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2020.
The website suggests that if the most dangerous thing your child could face in life is the very thing your doctor tells you is safe, what would you do?
Lamb was criticized in 2020 for taking relief money from the federal government and Inside Edition did a segment about Daystar's use of public money. Daystar was a tax-exempt church despite having at least $1 billion in wealth.
The church bought a private jet two weeks after Daystar received $3.9 million through the Paycheck Protection Program, according to Inside Edition. Lamb insisted to Inside Edition that the jet was purchased with investment money.
Lamb used the jet to fly his family from Texas to Florida for a vacation in 2020, despite the fact that the jet was supposed to only be used for official ministry work. The Inside Edition segment made Lamb return the $3.9 million.
Over 777,000 Americans have died from covid-19 since it began, and the U.S. still sees horrifying case counts. There were more than 100,000 new covid-19 cases in the U.S. on Tuesday.
One of the lowest rates in the world for wealthy countries is the U.S. covid-19 vaccination rate. It is not clear if Lamb was protected against covid-19.