Warner Bros. has released a new look at Lana Wachowski's fabled return to the Matrix saga, and while there's not a lot in the way of new footage from Resurrections in it, it's a fascinating and cleverly stylish way to draw parallels with the movie. Oh, and the man stares at a cat again.
It is a pretty slick and intriguing little thing. Interlacing moments from the new movie with similar scenes from the first three films don't just invite stylistic parallels between the two but also offer a fascinating narrative question. The trailer for "Deja V" has a line from the original film that is repeated in the trailer: "A deja v is usually a glitch in the Matrix." It happens when they change something. In the original Matrix, Trinity explained to Neo that the black cat he saw in the Lafayette Hotel was an indicator that the code of the Matrix was being re-written around them.
We are invited to draw on all these moments of familiarity across all four movies, so how much of what we see in the next movie depends on us being able to pick out moments and ideas. Lana Wachowski wants us to look beyond the mirror that reflects back at us. How deep is the rabbit hole?
The Matrix Resurrections will be released on December 22.
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