The new date is Dec 1, 2021.
The White House's former top staff MarkMeadows revealed in his new book that former president Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before he went on stage to participate in the first presidential debate against Joe Biden.
President Donald Trump walks toward Marine One before his departure for a campaign event.
The images are from the same company.
According to The Guardian, Trump tested positive for Covid-19 on September 26.
Both candidates were expected to test negative 72 hours prior to the debate, but Trump was going to go out there.
Trump was informed of the positive test while he was on Air Force One and on his way to a rally.
Some of the concerns were allayed when the sample was retested using a rapid antigen test which returned a negative result.
The first presidential debate took place on September 29 and Trump was hospitalized a day later for a Covid-19 infection.
The White House press secretary told Fox News that Trump made his announcement within an hour of his positive test.
The former White House staffer wrote that Trump was given full permission to press on as if nothing had happened, but that he was told to treat him as if he was positive. According to the new, much more accurate test, there was no need for me to alarm the public if there was nothing to worry about.
84.6% of the time. According to data shared with the U.S. Food and Drug Agency, the percentage of time that the BinaxNOW test correctly gives a positive result is about 85%. The test that gave a negative result was used to retest Trump's sample.
The chief of staff says in a new book that Trump tested positive for Covid before the debate.
NPR has a look at Trump's diagnosis and treatment.
Coverage and live updates on the coronaviruses.