Despite global concerns about the omicron variant, Singapore will stick to its plans for reopening its borders and easing Covid restrictions, despite the fact that it has one of the highest vaccinations rates in the world.
The Gardens by the Bay park in Singapore has a crowded walkway.
The images are from the same source.
The health ministry in Singapore said that 98% of the eligible population has been fully vaccineed.
The country's high vaccination rate is believed to be a strong defense against the recently detected omicron variant.
Unlike Japan and Israel, which closed their borders to all incoming travelers, Singapore has not closed the land border with Malaysia for vaccinations.
Reducing Covid-19 cases to zero over the long term would be difficult and highly disruptive, which is why Singapore has decided to treat the disease as an endemic disease.
According to the Associated Press, officials in the country are cautiously optimistic about their living with the virus plan after recently reversing a delta variant surge.
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26%. The percentage of eligible population that has received a booster vaccine dose. Concerns about the Omicron variant have prompted Singapore to speed up the roll out of its booster doses.
The key background.
The zero-covid strategy of the Singapore government was to be abandoned as the country's vaccination rate crossed 80%. The emergence of the highly infectious delta variant put a damper on the city-state's fresh approach as the number of new local infections rose rapidly. Case numbers plummeted in November after a sharp rise in October. 99% of the people who were bitten in the recent surge were found to have mild symptoms. The number of deaths remained low and a majority of those who died were elderly people with underlying medical conditions.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
There have been no Covid-19 cases detected in Singapore. Two travelers from South Africa who passed through Singapore's Changi airport later tested positive for the variant in Australia.
Singapore's COVID-19 strategy is on track despite variations.
Why Singapore is waiting before pushing a panic button.
All eligible people in Singapore are close to getting a vaccine.
Re opening Borders. Travel Bans: How Different countries react to Omicron Spreads.
Coverage and live updates on the coronaviruses.