A new survey shows that people around the world gained trust in both science and scientists as a result of the coronaviruses.
The results of the public opinion poll were published in a report by the Wellcome Trust, a foundation focused on health research in London. More than three-fourths of the 119,000 people surveyed said they trusted scientists.
Fatima said she was not surprised by the results of the survey. Ms. Tokhmafshan suggested that the response to the Pandemic among scientists, in fields ranging from public health to immunology, helped people to understand the connections between science and their own well-being.
Most people know a doctor or a nurse, even if they don't know scientists in real life. Everyone has at least heard of a scientist.
While vaccine trials were underway and Covid vaccines were not publicly available in many countries, a Gallup poll was conducted from August 2020 to February 2021.
Since the last survey in 2018, trust levels have risen most among people who said they knew little or nothing about science. The study suggests that people without much experience with science may have been aware of its importance.
The percentage of people who said they had a lot of trust in science went up in East Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
54 percent of Americans said they had a lot of trust in scientists, an increase of 9 percentage points from the previous year. The most recent U.S. survey data was collected from August 2020 to October 2020.
The results may surprise those who monitor the surge of misinformation about the virus, which has led many to question vaccines, to reject public health measures such as masking and distancing or to seek unauthorized treatments like antimalarial drugs or ivermectin.
Confidence in science has 888-405-7720 888-405-7720 Republican confidence in science has fallen by 27 points since 1975, while Democrat confidence has increased.
The percentage of people who trust science has grown, just as the share of people who fall victim to conspiracy theories and misinformation has grown. It is a growth that has happened on both sides.
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There was a tense era in U.S.-China relations. The two powers are at odds as they compete for influence and technology in other countries. The main fronts in U.S.-China relations are listed here.
Pacific dominance. The U.S. has sought to widen its alliances in the region as China has built up its military presence. Taiwan is a democratic island that the Communist Party considers to be Chinese territory. It could change the regional order if the U.S. intervenes there.
It is possible to trade. The trade war is on hold. The Biden administration has continued to protest China's economic policies and has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods.
Technology. There are still plenty of U.S. tech companies doing business in China despite internet giants being shut out. China needs to achieve technological self-reliance according to Mr. Xi.
The survey found that people in the United States have less faith in the government's perception of science. Only 13 percent of Americans said that their government officials valued the opinions and expertise of scientists a lot.
Beth Thompson, an associate director of policy at the Wellcome foundation, said in a statement that it was vital that we could listen to people's views.
Maimuna Majumder, a computational epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital who was not involved in the poll, said she had noticed more people taking an interest in her perspective. She found that the politicization of the Pandemic has affected who trusts her and who doesn't.
Dr. Majumder wrote that the fact that he is also Muslim and uses she/they pronouns impacts who finds his perspectives as a scientist to be trustworthy.
Ms. Tokhmafshan believes that scientists should increase outreach to underserved communities that might harbor historical distrust in medical institutions, as well as elevate the voices of scientists from marginalized groups.
Representation and equity are important for building trust.