![In Motion: Uranus and Moons]()
Discover the universe! Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by an astronomer.
November 30 of 2021.
In Motion: the planets.
David Campbell is from the U. Hertfordshire.
What is that moving across the sky? A planet that is too small to see with the naked eye. The gas giant was tracked near opposition when it was closest to Earth. The Bayfordbury Observatory.jpg) captured a four-hour time-lapse showing the four largest moons of the planet, including Titania, Oberon, and Umbriel. The apparent motion past background stars is dominated by Earth's own motion around the Sun. The cross is caused by light diffracting/guides/mtr/opt/mch/diff.rxml around the four arms that hold one of the telescope's mirrors. The rotation of the Earth causes the rotation of the diffraction spikes. During the next few months, it will be possible to see the planet with binoculars, but you will need a telescope to see its moons.
The blood moon band is tomorrow's picture.
Robert Nemiroff is an author and Jerry Bonnell is an editor.
Phillip Newman has specific rights.
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