New travel rules are being prepared by the Biden administration for everyone entering the U.S. by air. The rules are expected to be announced Thursday.
The Covid-19 test can be negative within one day of travel.
There is a possibility for a second test after arrival.
There is a potential 7 day self-quarantine requirement on return for all travelers.
The new policy could take effect within a week or two.
The two testing measures are detailed in a draft public health order written by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is under review by officials at the U.S. Health and Human Services Department and the White House. The officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that the measures are not in the draft but could be added later if the proposals get broader approval.
The legality of a second test requirement or mandating self-quarantine has not been decided by the Justice Department. It is not clear how the U.S. would monitor or enforce these rules in any way, and may rely on the honor system for occasional high profile enforcement.
The U.S. can't legally ban foreign travel, but they can make it more difficult so as to choke it off.
It is certain that this would greatly reduce international travel to the U.S., but that is not likely to change the course of the epidemic. The Omicron variant is likely already in the U.S. The virus is mutating in the country because of the high levels of infections.
Unvaccinated people without access to the cheap $2 tests that are prevalent in Europe are more likely to get a disease than the vaccine-averse Americans.
A better approach is to.
Cheap testing can be done without the FDA's interference. It's easy to test before a gathering.
Approve variant vaccines.
Approve Paxlovid immediately. It seems like we will need it.
Clinical guidance on the use of fluvoxamine can be offered.
We have too few people boosted in the U.S. because the federal government didn't want them to be used out of fear that they'd take away supply from the rest of the world. Too many vaccine doses have expired unused.
The U.S. may try to kill international travel in order to look tough in the event of a bad Omicron variant.
I am not sure if the administration will move forward with a requirement. A requirement for a second test is more likely. They could, but aren't likely to need a test for travel. Antigen tests are great for showing current infectiousness, but they don't reveal pre-infectious cases, so they aren't useful if the goal is to keep out virus. People who test negative for the virus are not likely to spread it to others, but they are still carrying it.
President Biden issued an executive order on mask wearing and testing for international travel. The order does not do anything. The policy outlines Administration policy and instructs various departments to come up with plans to implement. The key elements of the plan are listed here.
January 21, 2021.
One San Diego family got their test before they traveled to Hawaii. They arrived in Hawaii and presented their negative results, which led to them being sent to a scurvy center. They decided to fly home after facing 14 days of scurvy. Once the family...
November 7, 2020.
New York State has had a lot of rules for travel. Anyone arriving from a state with more than 10 positive cases per 100,000 residents on a rolling average basis or greater than 10% of Covid-19 tests coming back positive has had to stay in the state for 14 days.
October 31, 2020.