The Washington Post reports that the Justice Department issued a subpoena in September to a group and political action committee run by Sidney Powell, an attorney who ran a failed presidential campaign.
Attorney Sidney Powell left the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. on June 24.
The Associated Press.
The Post said it reviewed the document and spoke with the group that was subpoenaed, Powell's Defending the Republic organization.
The groups were subpoenaed for records related to their accounting on November 1, 2020.
The exact focus of the criminal investigation is still unclear, but the document request is part of it.
In an August deposition for the defamation lawsuit, a representative for the organization said that they questioned how the organization's funds were spent between when donations were first solicited and when it was incorporated.
Defending the Republic was fined $10,000 by the Florida attorney general's office after it was found to have violated multiple state laws.
Powell and her attorney Howard Kleinhendler have not yet responded to requests for comment, though Kleinhendler told the Post Defending the Republic that the U.S. attorney's office declined to comment.
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An attorney for Defending the Republic told the Post that they knew the more effective they were, the more false attacks would intensify. Defending the Republic is about fighting for the people who make this country work.
The quote is crucial.
In a defamation lawsuit against Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic, Dominion Voting Systems said that any funds donated to the group before it was incorporated would have been comingled in Powell's bank accounts. Sidney Powell used the entity's funds as her personal funds, redirecting them to the law firm she controls and dominates, and raiding them to pay for her personal legal defense.
The number is big.
More than $7 million. According to the budget submitted to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Defending the Republic received a total of $2 million in donations during the fiscal year that ended in September. The group donated $550,000 to the partisan audit in Arizona, and has also solicited donations to fund Powell's post- election efforts, which included failed lawsuits seeking to overturn the presidential results in four battleground states. Powell believes that donations from the group are being used to fund her own legal defense as she now faces consequences for her post- election efforts. The Daily Beast reported Tuesday that Powell clashed with other high-profile figures on the far right over allegations she made personal use of her organization's funds.
The key background.
Powell was one of the main figures on the far-right spreading baseless claims of election fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 election, a campaign for which the attorney is now facing a slew of punishments. Powell has been sued for defamation by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Machines for making fraud claims about the companies. In Michigan, a federal district court ordered Powell and her co-counsel to pay legal fees, undergo legal education and face potential disbarment for their post- election lawsuit, which the judge said was a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process. Powell is facing possible sanctions in Wisconsin, where the governor wants the court to force her and her co-counsel to pay more than $100,000 in legal fees. The State Bar of Texas is looking at punishments against Powell, which could result in her disbarment or other sanctions, and an ethics complaint has been filed in Arizona against Powell and other lawyers.
The Washington Post reported that prosecutors demanded records of Sidney Powell's groups.
The Feds are asking questions about Sidney Powell.
Here are all the places where Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and pro- Trump attorneys could be sued.
Sidney Powell could face a Texas State Bar investigation that could lead to her disbarment.