The image is by Alex Castro.
Private individuals will be able to request the removal of pictures or videos. This morning, the company announced that they were extending the ban on private information to cover media. It is aimed at preventing harassment or invasions of privacy and includes exceptions for posts that are shared in the public interest or add value to public discourse.
Sharing personal media, such as images or videos, can potentially violate a person's privacy, and may lead to emotional or physical harm, according to a change announced on the safety side. The misuse of private media can affect everyone, but can have a disproportionate effect on women, activists, dissidents, and members of minority communities. According to its larger private information policy, the subject of a picture or video will be the one that will be evaluated.
Sharing personal media, such as images or videos, can potentially violate a person's privacy.
The rule could potentially apply to all media of private individuals without the permission of the person depicted. It is not applicable to people who are public figures, a category that typically includes politicians, celebrities, and other well-known people. Existing rules like a ban on nonconsensual sexual imagery will be taken into account.
There are instances where account holders may share images or videos of private individuals in an effort to help someone involved in a crisis situation, such as in the aftermath of a violent event, or as part of a news story, and this might outweigh the safety. If it is being covered by traditional news outlets, it may leave media online. If a particular image and the accompanying text adds value to the public discourse, is being shared in public interest, or is relevant to the community, it will be considered.
We will no longer allow the sharing of private media, such as images or videos of private individuals without their consent. The policy forbids publishing people's private info, as well as threatening or incentivizing others to do so.
November 30, 2021.
The goal is to remove pictures or videos that are fueling online harassment campaigns, although in practice, its implementation will likely depend on the kind of situation. It is not clear how the 2020 video depicting a white woman calling police on a Black man would have been ruled on by the social media site.
The circumstances of a given post will be heavily weighed by the moderators. Kennedy told The Verge that they are going to evaluate things in the context in which they are shared. The policy will require a first-person report if a private figure's image is posted. The post may have been shared publicly on other social networks, not just traditional media outlets. Kennedy said that if this is easily accessible off of the social networking site, we won't take action on it.
The change comes a day after a high-profile shakeup at the micro-messaging service.