The Omicron variant is the next major challenge of the Pandemic.
The new variant has already spread to at least 10 countries around the world, with confirmed cases in the UK, Australia, Germany, and Canada. The World Health Organization labeled the new strain a "variant of concern" on Friday, and the world is waiting on laboratory research to clarify just how threatening Omicron may be.
How the leading vaccines and treatments hold up against Omicron is one of the biggest unanswered questions. The new variant carries more than 30 changes to the spike protein, which is the target for many treatments. The fear is that the changes to the virus may help it evade protection.
Robert Nelsen is the managing director of Arch Venture Partners.
Michael Kovac is a photographer.
Robert Nelsen, a managing director of Arch Venture Partners, told Insider that it looks pretty gnarly.
Omicron-specific boosters are being prepared by vaccine developers.
A vaccinator prepares to give a vaccine.
The images are courtesy of LightRocket.
Drug companies are ready for this moment. Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech have talked about their ability to quickly update their shots to new strains thanks to the flexibility of their mRNA-based shots.
"This is the highest level of alert we've ever been on," Stephen Hoge, Moderna's president, told the Washington Post.
Omicron's dozens of changes were called a "Franken Mixture of the greatest hits" by Hoge. He said that Omicron has additional genes that aren't well-studied.
Lab studies show that the vaccines produce less neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant. Some experts think that the lower levels of antibody are still protective.
The Omicron strategy was announced on Friday. The booster shot is tailored to the new variant. The company has begun clinical trials for other booster shots, including a version of its vaccine that has been shown to work with Omicron.
Pfizer and BioNTech are evaluating a booster shot. Pfizer can have a new shot ready to be manufactured and distributed in less than 100 days.
Other vaccine developers are also trying to respond. Johnson & Johnson said it is working on a vaccine. Novavax said Friday that it is starting to develop an Omicron shot that could start testing and manufacturing in a few weeks.
Some people disagree that Omicron-specific shots are the best approach. Gerngross told Insider that a variant-specific shot is a "fool's errand" given how quickly new strains emerge. Gerngross' company is focused on making variant-resistant COVID-19 antibody treatments.
He said that vaccine developers created a shot with a specific name, only to have Delta take over by the time it was ready for a clinical study.
Gerngross said that chasing the waves was an idiotic idea.
The Omicron variant is spreading and anti-viral treatments could play a bigger role.
Janet Gilleran is a registered nurse.
Craig F. Walker is a reporter for The Boston Globe.
Nelsen, a venture capitalist who sits on the board of the company, said he's confident that Omicron will have less effect on the new pills than the vaccines.
Nelsen doesn't believe that the drug will be much help after a new analysis showed it was 30% effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths.
Nelsen said Pfizer's pill, which showed a 89% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths, could still have a major impact on the epidemic. Pfizer said it will produce 80 million treatment courses by the end of 2021.
Experts have confidence that the pills will be effective against a new variant because they don't target the spikeProtein.
Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, said in a Monday interview that he has a high level of confidence that the treatment will not be affected by Omicron.
An expert panel is set to vote on the drug developed by Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, which is being reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.
Leading manufacturers of Antibody drugs could see a shakeup.
There is more uncertainty with the drugs. These treatments are usually given as IV injections and deliver the antibodies to the patients that can help fight COVID-19. A number of companies have produced drugs that are now in use.
According to preliminary research from the lab of Jesse Bloom, Lilly's cocktail could be in trouble against the Omicron variant. It's too early to say for sure how Omicron will affect these drugs, with more research needed.
Omicron is an opportunity for some new biotechs to show the value of their approaches. In 2020, the company was founded to develop a drug that can tolerate variations. Its stock has more than doubled in value since last week.
The CEO and a co-owner of the company.
It's called the Therapeutics Adagio.
Gerngross said that the company's research shows the drug is not impacted by Omicron.
Gerngross said that pivotal results from the clinical trials of Adagio's antibody are expected by the middle of 2022, if it can treat or prevent COVID-19. 2 million treatment courses are expected to be produced next year.
Making it easier to get access will be a key challenge, said Dr. Kavita Patel, a primary-care physician in Washington and former White House health policy director.
"It's a lot of work to get people monoclonals, and I had to send one patient to the emergency room this weekend to get access to them," she said.
If the vaccines are less effective against the variant, Omicron may draw more attention to treatments.
Gerngross said that this is a pivotal moment in the Pandemic.