I have been blown away by what Shiba Inu has done in a short time. A one-year gain of 54,000,000% tends to impress me. One of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world is called Shiba Inu.
I don't think that Shiba Inu is the best coin to buy right now. The digital token that's at the top of my list is more popular than ever. It could be a huge winner over the next few years. Solana is the onlycryptocurrencies I would buy right now.
The image is from the same source.
1. The fastest-growing industry.
I consider real-world utility when considering cryptocurrencies. That's one of the reasons why I like Solana.
There are hundreds of projects built on Solana. Defi applications, games, NFTs, and Web3 apps are included. Star Atlas is an intriguing project. It's a huge metaverse. The vision for Star Atlas is not possible on any other platform.
There are even more projects built on it. Solana is the fastest-growing digital currency. I don't think that it's an "Ethereum killer" because I don't think that it's going away. Solana will remain the top competitor to ether, according to my take.
Transaction speed is the most important reason why Solana is so popular with developers. It's the fastest network in the world.
That's actually saying it's somewhat. Between 15 and 45 transactions per second is how much ether processes. Cardano processes around 250 transactions per second. 50,000 transactions per second is how much Solana can handle.
The dynamics could be changed by the Eth2 upgrade. It could reach 100,000 transactions per second. The upgrade won't happen until next year.
Does this change my opinion of Solana? Nope. It could get even faster. Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko has stated publicly that the Solana is four times slower than it should be.
The low costs are another advantage for Solana. The transaction costs are very low. The costs will remain low because of the blockchain's scale.
This competitive edge should not be downplayed. The transaction fees for eth have gone up. Some people are leaving the network.
The CEO of a hedge fund is an investor in cryptocurrencies. He blamed the high gas fees for his abandonment of the project. The millions of new users coming shouldn't be ashamed for going to other ecosystems and developers shouldn't be shamed for building on them.
As users and developers switch from high-cost blockchains to lower-cost alternatives, Solana will likely continue to be a key beneficiary.
Solana is near its all-time highs after soaring more than 9,300% over the last year. I think the coin has more room to run.
The market cap of Solana is $65 billion. Solana is the fifth-biggest coin on the market. Its market cap is less than half of the size of the other two.
Over the next few years, I don't think Solana will deliver as much return as Shiba Inu has. I don't want to see a repeat performance from Shiba Inu.
I expect that Solana's fast processing speeds and low costs will continue to attract developers. I think that it will continue to grow. This will result in impressive returns for Solana.
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