New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris Cuomo.
According to documents released by the New York Attorney General's Office, Chris Cuomo used his sources in the media to find information on women who accused his brother Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.
The records show that Chris Cuomo's role in helping his brother was much more intimate than previously known.
Chris Cuomo was in touch with the then-governor's top aide, who was also accused of sexual harassment by Andrew Cuomo, according to exhibits from the Attorney General's probe. He dictated statements for the governor to use as he sought to weather the storm of accusations.
Chris Cuomo asked DeRosa to let him help with the prep. The New York Times reported in March about how Andrew Cuomo tried to kiss a woman at a wedding, and then three days later Chris Cuomo sent a text to DeRosa saying he had a lead on the wedding girl.
Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, resigned in August after the state Attorney General Letitia James issued her report on the alleged wrongdoing. Andrew Cuomo denied wrongdoing. Chris Cuomo admitted that he was one of the people who encouraged the governor to step down, even though he said he wasn't an official advisor to his brother.
The CNN spokeswoman did not reply to the email.
According to the records, Chris Cuomo told investigators that he was involved in a lot of conversations with people about the allegations against his brother. He said he talked to his sources about the stories that were about to be published.
Cuomo told investigators that he would reach out to sources if he was asked.
Chris Cuomo gave investigators the name of the source who talked to him, but the Attorney General's office chose to redact the name of the individual.
Someone gave you some information about Anna Ruch. Chris Cuomo was asked who he heard from by the investigators. Chris Cuomo said a source.
He said that a source of his had said that she might have been put up to it, and that someone had called him who knew the bride's family. It is not clear if Cuomo was referring to Ruch or someone else. There was no further information included in the transcript. An attorney for DeRosa didn't respond to a request for comment. Ruch could not be reached.
Chris Cuomo helped DeRosa write statements for his older brother, who will be 64 next week.
Chris Cuomo sent a text message to DeRosa on March 12.
I cannot resign, I said in the statement. I understand the political pressure and the stakes of political warfare, and I also understand the conformity that can be forced by cancel culture, it1-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-6556
A text message was sent by DeRosa to Cuomo on March 9 about the Attorney General's investigation. Cuomo suggested that the statement be lost last.
Chris Cuomo seems to suggest to investigators that he meant to encourage DeRosa to take out the final line of the proposed statement, which read, "The governor's previous statement that he has never touched anyone inappropriate stands."
Either you are telling the truth or you are not. That sounds like political speak to me. The CNN anchor explained to investigators that he didn't think that was the right way to behave in those situations.
In March, DeRosa sent Chris Cuomo a message saying that there were two more things coming out tomorrow. Can you check your sources? The CNN host said on it. No one has heard that yet.
Chris Cuomo and DeRosa talked about a story from New Yorker investigative reporter Ronan Farrow. The article was published on March 18.
Chris Cuomo was asked by DeRosa to check with his sources about the Farrow piece. The records don't show Chris Cuomo agreeing to check with his sources. On March 14, four days after the story was published, he sent a message to DeRosa saying that ifronan has nothing better than boylan that is a great sign.
DeRosa asked if he had any more intel. Chris Cuomo said the story was not ready for tomorrow.
Cuomo told investigators that he spoke with another journalist about the Farrow story. He said his efforts to speak to a fellow journalist about an upcoming story were normal.
Farrow focused her story on Lindsey Boylan, a former aide to Andrew Cuomo. Boylan said the governor told her to play strip poker on the plane.