Who in the world has time to read about how NFTs are the future and how one guy is causing a divorce?
If you haven't noticed, NFT madness has become one of our top beats here at Futurism, and we're pleased to announce that this reporter combed through all the sad, goofy, desperate, and unhinged messages from a user with the handle DeltaWither so that you
For those who didn't see it, it was an absolutely crazy thread in which a user said that their wife was leaving them for taking out a $186,00 loan so they could.
There are a lot of unknowns to get out of the way before you can even begin to think about the best parts of the thread. We don't really know if the user is a man or not because they never identify themselves. One person has wondered if DeltaWither was doing a Horse_ebooks-style performance art or a really, really dedicated troll, as they don't know whether or not they're serious.
The thread raises the question of whether DeltaWither might be suffering from a mental illness. As someone who actually read the whole thing, it is clear to me that this person is serious and obsessive, given that they repeat lots of phrases over and over and keep adding to their own thread to beg their wife Karen.
Here are some of the best quotes from the rant. You can easily read it via ThreadReader if you are curious. Each of these is listed chronologically and explains the story as it unfolded.
The event
My wife is against me. She left to live with her parents, and she has been talking about the custody of our two children. I can't believe it. The love of my life may be thinking about divorcing me because she doesn't understand the business of the future. I tried to explain to her that it was an investment. Someone else buys it for 500k from me.
She doesn't understand that this is not like the tulip mania. Maybe you would see the differences if you understood what you were saying. She doesn't care. She's thinking about divorcing me and getting custody of our children because of my crazy financial decisions.
NFT utopia.
Are you happy with who you are? Are you happy with your life, living with barely enough money? There are people who are less fortunate than you. NFTs can solve that problem forever. Don't you see? For a few laughs on the internet, you steal NFTs.
We can all solve climate change if everyone embraces NFTs. What is hard to comprehend? This is not a scam, it is a way of life that will change society.
They have a plan for that.
Make a big pool of ethereum and NFTs and use it to buy the biggest governments in the world: the United States, the European Union, Russia, China, India, Japan, the UK, Canada, Australia, you get the point. We are not going to own the entire government, but we are going to act in the shadows.
If a hacker finds a way to steal NFTs without the right click save prevention mechanism, they will be given 10 years to life in prison, unless they destroy the NFT and give the owner the value of the stolen NFT.
I will not have my wife imprisoned.
I will not have my wife imprisoned for not believing in me, it is not her fault that she has been brainwashed into believing that it is better than NFTs. I will be waiting for her. She will come running at me, asking for forgiveness, one day, because she will realize this is the work of genius, not insanity. I will forgive her since I said I was not a tyrant.
Living through betting.
When everyone has finally embraced NFTs, all of the above have been accomplished, and everyone is free and happy.
888-276-5932 888-276-5932 888-276-5932s will not be stopped or hindered by anything. Nothing will stop us even if blood is shed, families are broken, or the world collapses because of the downfall of fiat.
Bargaining stage
Please, people, stop. Please stop now, I want you to stop. I don't want to hurt anyone, but if you keep stealing, you are giving me no other choice. If you keep going down this path, I might have to jail you for hacking devices to be able to steal NFTs. Stop now, realize that what you are doing is wrong and will affect the progress of humanity. Future generations will appreciate your understanding.
You are also busting my balls, please, you are not busting scam, you are busting the currencies of the future, and so on.
Anoid Wife Guy.
Please NFTbros, don't be deceived by SomeOrdinaryGamer's words. Maybe he tricked my wife into believing that fiat is better than crypto. That makes sense. She likes to watch videos on the internet. Or maybe it was the kids, they are always watching.
I will show my wife that I will do anything for her. I am trying to save her. She doesn't understand my intentions It pains me to watch her being dragged down by the outdated centralized currency mindset.
There is a lot of madness in the thread, but the highlights and the tome they come from are either the work of a sad and brainwashed individual or a troll playing chess with us all.
The question is, what is it about NFTs that makes people go batshit? Why does the thread feel real even if it is fake?
A new website shows how silly NFTs are.
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