Möbius strip microlasers for non-Euclidean photonics applications

by Ingrid Fadelli

A Mbius strip microlaser is pictured. Song et al.

The creation of devices that can generate, detect, or manipulate light is what the branch of technology development is known for. A new term for a new sub-field in the field of photonics was created by researchers.

In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, the team introduced new devices that could be used as a test bed. Microlasers are devices that have a laser in a curved surface. Mbius strips are one-sided, non-orientable surfaces.

The project began 10 years ago with the thesis of Clement Lafargue, according to Melanie Lebental, one of the researchers who carried out the study. At the time, we had good expertise on 2D polymer-based microlasers and their use as quantum chaos platforms. We wanted to explore the third dimensions because we expected a lot of different features and a broad variety of behaviors, particularly regarding the symmetry classes of the laser modes and their polarization features.

In the past, she and her colleagues evaluated techniques for making microlasers in 3D, collaborating with researchers around the world. They used a commercial machine to create the microlasers in their paper.

We first looked at cubes, then 3D Fabry-Perot cavities and pyramids.

We realized that it was possible to make surface-like cavities with a small thickness. The Mbius strip has a fancy top.

Several dozens of microlasers were created using a single sample. The fabrication method they used is easy to reproduce and could be used to create many microlasers that perform well. The device emits red light and is excited by the green laser.

The 3D goniometer was developed to collect the emission pattern in 3D with a good spatial resolution. The trace formula is a semiclassical approach for the identification of quantum signatures of chaos, which was analyzed in our recent PRL paper.

The laser's spectrum is made up of periodic classical trajectories. The authors speculated that the periodic classical trajectory on the Mbius strip are geodesics. A straight line would be the shortest path between two points on a surface, which is called a geodesic.

The fabrication of the Mbius strip microlasers was the main achievement. This is the first time that such a structure has been constructed. The quality of our cavity is very high. We showed that the laser modes are located along periodic geodesics.

3D fabrication of microlasers could be a crucial step in the development of new technologies. The term "non-Euclidian photonics" was invented by her and her colleagues. They believe that there could be new theoretical and experimental results in this area in the future.

"We hope that other people will want to investigate this new field of research," she said. We are going to conduct further studies in the field of non-Euclidean photonics, for instance, investigating cavity shapes that are simpler than the Mbius strip, where the periodic geodesics can be calculated more easily. There is still much to discover in the new line of work, but I think it is exciting.

The Mbius Strip Microlasers: A Testbed for Non-Euclidean Photonics was published in the Physical Review Letters. There's a DOI for "PhysRevLett. 127.203901."

The formula for the dielectric cavities was written by E.Bogomolny. I. There are regular, pseudointegrable, and chaotic examples. There is a DOI: 10.103/physRevE.83.

Three-dimensional organic microlasers with low lasing thresholds are fabricated by multiphoton and UV lithography. There is a DOI: 10.368/oe.22.012316.

N. Sobeshchuk and his colleagues wrote about out-of-plane modes in three-dimensional Fabry-Perot microlasers. It's called 10.1063/1.5033496.

M. A. Guidry and his colleagues presented a three-dimensional micro-billiard lasers: The square pyramid. There is a book titled "10199/0295-5075/126/64004".

Three-dimensional emission from organic Fabry-Perot microslaser, Clément Lafargue et al. It's called the 10.1063/1.4812667.

The Science X Network will be launched in 2021.

Mbius strip microlasers for non-euclidean applications were retrieved on November 29, 2021.

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