There is a person named Binance.
The images are called SOPA.
After a technical problem caused a run-in between billionaire and doge coin enthusiast Musk and the CEO of the world's largest exchange, investors can once again withdraw doge coin from their accounts.
The exchange halted withdrawals of the 10th most valuable coin because of a glitch in its database system, but they are now open.
On Saturday, it resumed withdrawals but did so silently to make sure there were no more issues.
"What began as a fairly straightforward upgrade, turned into an issue where users were unable to withdraw DOGE for the last 17 days," it said.
It was an unfortunate coincidence for the DOGE network and the hodlers. "If we at Dogecoin Core maintainers and Binance had tried to plan this, we would not have been able to, not quite the shady circumstances that some had suggested."
The company was referring to Musk's November 23th message: "Heycz_binance, what's going on with your doge customers?" Sounds shady.
"Elon, we are pretty certain it is an issue with the latest #doge wallet," Musk wrote and apologized for any inconvenience.
No one was at fault for the technical problem nor did the DOGE Network have prior knowledge of it.
Dogecoin's market cap on Monday was $29.3 billion.
Business Insider has an original article.