According to his agent, George R.R. Martin flew to New York to try and get an executive at the show to make 10 seasons.
George R.R. Martin and Emilia Clark are in "Game ofThrones".
James Andrew Miller is a journalist and author of a new book.
George R.R. Martin and his agent were interviewed by Miller.
Martin flew to New York to meet with an HBO executive and begged him to do 10 seasons of the show.
The hit series " Game ofThrones" ended with two shortened seasons, bringing the total to eight seasons and 73 episodes. George R.R. Martin wanted up to 10 seasons and 100 episodes for the story.
James Andrew Miller wrote a book called "Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers" which contains new information about Martin's wishes.
Miller spoke with Martin, his agent, and the former CEO of HBO.
"George would fly to New York to have lunch with Plepler and tell him that it would be more enjoyable if he did ten seasons of the show," said Miller.
Both Martin and the executives of the show would have been happy with more seasons.
"Game ofThrones" has a scene with the Targaryen family.
"Game ofThrones" could have continued for several more years, according to Martin. There was enough material to go up to 13 seasons, so Martin didn't know why the show was ending with season eight. The first details about how Martin requested more seasons were revealed in "Tinderbox."
"Dan and Dave were tired, rightfully so," said Haas in Miller's book. They were done, and wanted to move on, so they cut it short, how many seasons can we stretch this out? Because of the fact that HBO wanted more.
George knows where the story is going, so after five seasons he started to worry about the path they were going. He said, "You're not following my template."
"A Song of Ice and Fire" is still incomplete, despite the fact that it is the basis of " Game of thrones". The first five novels were published by Martin. He's been working on the sixth book for a decade.
Around the end of season four, the series began diverging from Martin's storyline. You can read more about how the show's ending didn't bother Martin here.
Miller spoke with the chief content officer at HBO, who said that the teams knew there would be some backlash.
George R. R. Martin, David Benioff, and D.B Weiss attend the premiere of " Game of Throne" in New York City.
According to Miller's book, the final season was delivered on its promise to fans, but more importantly it executed the vision for the finale that Dan and Dave had planned so carefully.
Bloys said that he understands the criticism that some of the fans had about the final episodes.
Bloys said that if there had been more episodes, it would have been helpful. I would have taken two more seasons. I believe that if you look at the whole of her series, she was more than earned, and her turn was planned.
He told Miller that the show changed his life in ways that were bad.
Martin said he wished it had run for ten years. It would have given us more time to end it. I'm still trying to end it in these books. I have been working on 'The Winds of Winter' for the past decade and I am still working on it. I hope I get to that end soon and people can argue about which is better.
There is still no published date for "The Winds of Winter" despite regular updates from Martin.
The original article is on Insider.
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The Raleigh News and Observer.
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