A mother and child. IStock has an Alamy Stock Photo.
The US birthrate has been declining for a long time. The number of babies born in 2020 was the lowest in American history. The percentage of people who said they were very likely to have kids fell from 32 percent to 26 percent this year, while the percentage who said they were not too likely or not at all likely increased from 37 percent.
There are many reasons to think that these trends will only get worse. The American population is likely to start falling in the next decade or two if no major changes are made.
The U.S. had a high birth rate for a long time due to our horrible welfare state. I explained a few years ago that this was due to teen pregnancies and immigration from other countries with higher birthrates. All that is over now. Birthrates in America's main sources of immigrants are also declining, as teen pregnancy has been falling steadily for decades.
It's important to note that fertility has fallen across the world, even in countries with generous welfare states for parents. It's a good thing that this has something to do with changing norms for what people expect in marriage, a decline in social connections of all kinds, and feminist liberation of women from repressive traditional gender roles.
There is a link between enforcement of rigid gender norms and lower fertility. South Korea and Japan have some of the lowest birthrates in the world, with an estimated 1.4 and 0.9 children per women respectively. Germany used to have a very patriarchal welfare state and paid for it in the form of a low birthrate, though it seems to have made some progress in this area recently. Sweden and France have kept their fertility rates relatively high by embracing gender equality and generous welfare benefits, as it's harder to raise a child by yourself.
We are not immune to those global cultural shifts. We don't have European-style public benefits to make up for the blow. If you're on the bottom half of the income ladder, the American welfare state will penalize you for having kids. The health care system in the rich world is the worst. We don't have paid family leave, public child care or pre-K. Our income distribution is not evenly distributed. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, we have a child allowance of sorts, but it's not reaching many people who need it the most.
That's part of the reason why the American birthrate is 1.7 children per woman, and without some change, it will keep falling, possibly down to Korean levels. At that point, our population would be halved.
Immigration probably won't make up the difference. The rate of new American residents increased from the 1940s to the 2006s, but has declined a bit since. The rise of the Republican Party and the decay of the U.S. will cause immigration to fall in the future. America is less and less the land of opportunity and more the land of medical bankruptcies and mass shootings.
President Biden's agenda would make some progress on the welfare problems, but not much. The paid leave program is a joke and the child care and pre-K programs are incomplete, according to Matt Bruenig at The Atlantic. The last two may not reach a lot of Americans and may not even get off the ground at all. The American welfare state will not be able to fix these problems in the foreseeable future, let alone jump to a Swedish standard of generosity.
Biden's agenda would change the American welfare state from one of the worst in the world to the worst among rich countries. It is not easy to convince modern people to have kids. You have to give parents cash from the time their child is born until they graduate from high school.
Old-fashioned environmentalists who stoke panic about overpopulation often argue that a declining population is good because of climate change.
The line of argument is still false, despite the fact that predictions from the 1970s were totally mistaken. When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, economic structure is more important than population. A population of single family McMansions on big lots with coal-based electrical power can emit five to 10 times as much greenhouse gas as the same number of people living in the area.
Rapidly declining population causes a lot of social problems. Detroit became a synonym for economic disaster because of its population falling by two thirds between 1950 and 2010 as a result of de-industrialization.
Population collapse means that services and infrastructure designed for a large population have to be downsized or left to rot. It means a strain on the tax base and intergenerational tension as a smaller proportion of workers have to shoulder the tax and work burden of caring for a larger population of retired people. The way America loads a terrific financial burden on families makes it hard for people to have kids until they're older. Middle-aged parents often have to care for both babies and declining parents at the same time, which is where young parents can usually tap grandparents for free child care. Is it any wonder that so many young people don't feel like they are procreating?
It would be bad to force people to have children. Abortion and contraception are fundamental parts of a good health care system. America's crummy welfare state effectively does that by forcing people not to have children. Depopulation is what's going to happen when you make it impossible for people to reproduce themselves.
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