Imagine sitting down at your favorite breakfast restaurant and being greeted by a robot, which will bring your food instead of a human server.
The comments tell us that our robot overlords are taking over and should be boycotted before they serve us pancakes and eggs all over the world.
A video showing a robot delivering food at a Denny's has gone viral. The creator of the video said in the comments that a real, flesh-and-blood server took their order and delivered their coffee.
The comments went off, though most seemed to be expressing broader anxieties about automation rather than Denny's.
One user commented, "So we don't have to tip anymore?"
One person said they wouldn't go there. No people.
Another wrote, "This is sad." They give machines the jobs they take from citizens.
One user threatened to walk out if they were approached by a robotic server, and others called for a Denny's boycott.
The customers made it clear that they weren't approached by the robot, which was manufactured by Bear Robotics, a startup created by restaurant and tech entrepreneurs. Bear says that the robot will automate labor intensive parts of the business so that the server can focus more on diners.
In locations where there is a dedicated food runner, server may have to share tips with that person, and everyone involved is already underpaid. Busy server share the responsibility of running food for no additional payment. According to Fox Business, the models have increased the amount of tips that server get, which is a potential boon for workers who often earn as little as $2 per hour and rely on tips to make ends meet.
If customers are getting better service, having limited non-human interactions and getting food faster, what is the problem? The person seemed to hit the nail on the head.
The waitress did the difficult part.
You know how hard it is to wait tables.
An employee of Denny's said in a recent video that it helped after 29 years as a server.
The service industry exploits workers, and automation can be scary. The server network was not able to keep up with demand even before the Pandemic.
Line cooks had the highest mortality rate during the Pandemic, so keep in mind that there is a labor shortage. A robot can't take your job if everyone is dead or the job doesn't pay enough.
A Russian startup is selling robot clones of real people.
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