Inside Blue Origin's Astronaut Village where space tourists sleep in Airstream trailers and hang out around a firepit: 'It's not a five-star hotel.'

Space tourists are going to blast 62 miles above Earth on a rocket, but they have to sleep in trailers on a campsite in the Texas desert.

The passenger on the Blue Origin flight with William Shatner and two other people said he was in a campsite in the days before the launch.

Don DiCostanzo, a business owner who was Shatner's wingman before and after the spaceflight, told Insider in a previous interview that Astronaut Village is 15 miles away from the launch site.

Blue Origin has an Astronaut Village.

The blue origin.

DiCostanzo said that the campsite was paid for by the company, and that he slept in a hotel room nearby.

The rural Astronaut Village is described as a "perfect little campsite" by an Australian former NASA engineer.

The astronauts are given a trailer to sleep in. The interiors of the trailers were changed to be more like a hotel than a camper van.
There are trailers in Blue Origin's Astronaut Village.

An organization called Anonymous.

"It's not like a five-star hotel," he said. The trailers reminded him of the Apollo era.

"They have historic artifacts here and there in the different rooms, so you really feel like you're in a place with some connection to past and future," he said.

Blue Origin's Astronaut Village has a firepit.

An organization called Anonymous.

Bezos and his fellow passengers stayed in Astronaut Village before their flight on the New Shepard rocket.

The next group to sleep in the trailers is going to be "Good Morning America" anchor Michael Strahan, Laura Shepard Churchley, the daughter of Alan Shepard, and four other paying customers.

The campsite has a restaurant and bar.

The bar is located in Blue Origin's Astronaut Village.

An organization called Anonymous.

The meeting area in the middle of Astronaut Village is a firepit surrounded by lots of chairs.

We had a drink after training and hung out there. It's a good chance to bond. It's designed to have the astronauts bond with the guests and staff.