Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr. have criticized the World Health Organization for skipping the Greek letter Xi and naming the new coronaviruses variant Omicron.
The WHO believes that naming coronaviruses after Greek letters of the alphabet will make it easier and more practical to discuss them with non-scientific audiences.
The following variant should have been called Nu after that.
Jim Pickard wrote about it on November 26, 2021.
Speculation arose that the two letters were skipped to avoid confusion with the English word "new", and to avoid antagonizing Chinese President XI.
The Greek letter and Chinese surname are different.
How can the WHO be trusted to call out the Chinese Communist Party if they are scared of them? Ted Cruz is a senator from Texas.
Ted Cruz wrote on November 26, 2021.
Cruz responded to a suggestion that the WHO decided to avoid stigmatizing a region.
Donald Trump Jr. said that the original will always be the Xi variant.
Donald Trump Jr. is on November 27, 2021.
The rhetoric in right-wing circles blames China for the disease.
The "China virus" was often referred to by former President Trump and his allies.
Jerry Christmas said that the health body decided not to use the name because it's a common last name in China.
Jerry Christmas is November 26, 2021.
He said that the WHO chose not to use the name as its best practices for naming diseases.
He said that Nu was not used because of its similarity to "new."