The holiday season is one of the best times of the year for business and commercial sales. In Latin America, the times of Christmas and the New Year are not the only times that you should consider in your marketing strategy. We tell you which ones and what days they are implemented.
The Christmas season is over.
December 1 is the start of the Christmas season for businesses. The date should be taken advantage of by all businesses since the workers are given various benefits such as the Christmas bonus, the savings bank, grocery vouchers and others that increase their income.
The season of Kings.
The season of Kings occurs from December 26 to January 6.
The sale of toys in the time of kings was estimated by the Concanaco-Servytur to be around 16 thousand 138 million pesos. The sale of toys is favored. Electronics, chocolates, clothing and footwear are some of the products that increase their sales. The traditional rosca de reyes increases sales in bakeries.
The sales season is over.
The last sales peak occurs from January 7 to January 31. The period from the end of December to the beginning of January is four weeks.
Stores and businesses offer attractive discounts or promotions in clearance sales, which is a very strong hook for bargain hunters.
Good sales are recommended for your business.
A well decorated tree with lights, a smell of apple with cinnamon, and Christmas touches will attract more customers to your store.
Change your traditional packaging for bags that evoke Christmas.
It can be as small as a candy cane if you give a small gift in exchange for a purchase.
Although people have resources they do not want to waste, it includes coupons for discounts or lower prices.
You can do online marketing through your social networks.