A man was shot and killed outside of his ex-wife's house in South Lubbock after a confrontation with her boyfriend.
The man suspected of shooting Read was identified by court records. The affidavit was signed by Judge Anne-Marie Carruth, who filed a counter suit against Kyle Carruth.
No charges have been filed as of this writing. Here's what we know about the case.
Christina and Chad Read had an argument.
The video was released by the current wife of Chad Read, who showed him arguing with his ex-wife, Christina Read, over not having one of the former couple's sons available at a court ordered time.
Christina could be heard saying the child was not at home and that she was going to fetch him. She didn't abide by the court ordered deadline because she wanted to see their son.
"I don't care if you didn't want to see him," Chad Read said. I get him at 3 pm. You can see him until 3:15 if you want to. You are trying to keep my son away from me.
Judge Anne-Marie Carruth was threatened with a subpoena by Chad Read. Kyle emerged from the home with a rifle after telling Chad to leave.
Kyle Carruth and Chad Read fought over a gun.
The two are arguing and bumping chests. Kyle Carruth was challenged to use the weapon by Chad Read.
Read said to do it. You better use it.
The two are arguing. A person filming an altercation from a vehicle tells someone off camera to call the police. Carruth is seen shooting a shot at Read.
Carruth was pushed away from him by Read's hand on the gun. Carruth spins around and fires at Read, who could be heard saying, "I think I'm scared?"
The video of the shooting death of Chad Read was released by his wife, who is now seeking custody of their children.
The camera pans at Read who has dropped on the ground as Read calls for someone to call.
The incident is on video.
"You did it, not him," she says.
Kyle told her to leave.
None of you should be here. I told you to leave. I did everything. I didn't want to do this.
The responding officers found Chad dead.
Chad Read's obituary shows his recent marriage to a woman.
The obituary for Chad Read said he married the love of his life on Sept. 4, 2011.
Chad Read was a graduate of lewisville High School. He was a true entrepreneurial and was able to raise a family in Lubbock in 2000. He had three children, but no mention of his ex-wife.
Read was laid to rest on Nov. 12.
Kyle Carruth was divorced from Anne-Marie Carruth in 2021.
The couple married in September of 2009. Kyle Carruth filed for divorce in September. Two weeks after the shooting, their divorce was finalized.
Anne-Marie Carruth filed a countersuit in the couple's divorce. Anne-Marie, a district court judge, asked the court to exclude her ex-husband from their 9th Street home.
Anne-Marie Carruth was appointed to the 72nd Judicial District Court in Crosby and Lubbock Counties in January 2021.
She stated in the affidavit that she was concerned about Kyle's mental state and hadn't spoken to him about the shooting.
The Lubbock County District Attorney filed a motion with the AG's office that stated the suspect is related to a Lubbock County elected official who is also a potential witness.
Kyle Carruth's lawyers say the shooting was self defense.
Christina Read is accused of endangering the well-being of two children by allowing them to be in the presence of Kyle Carruth.
The children are aware that their father was killed in front of them, according to Read's affidavit. Christina's decision to allow these children to be in Kyle Carruth's presence has caused significant impairment of their emotional well-being. The oldest child has told me that if he sees Kyle again, he will run away from home because he blames his mother for the shooting.
David M. Guinn, Carruth's attorney, has argued that the shooting was self-defense.
All Texans are allowed to brandish a firearm to protect themselves. "I said that."
Read threatened to take the gun from Carruth, according to Guinn. He said the way in which Carruth advanced towards him was an immediate threat to his client.
"This is a justified killing," said Guinn.
Texas Attorney General is looking into a shooting.
Lubbock police officials turned over their files on the shooting to the Texas Attorney General's Office.
No charges have been filed as of this writing.
The article was originally published on the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.