A docking module from Russia arrived at the International Space Station today.
Russia's new Nauka module was made contact with by the Prichal module. It was a few minutes ahead of schedule over Ukraine. The hooks successfully closed at 10:25 a.m. There was no incident at the time. Stunning views from cameras on the International Space Station were beamed live on NASA TV.
"It was as flawless a docking as you can have," NASA spokesman Rob Navias said in the moments after the docking completed.
The Russian named Prichal brought 2,200 pounds of cargo to the International Space Station along with an expansion of docking capabilities. Prichal has six new ports for the station's Russian segment, five of which are available for arriving ships.
The Prichal docking module was launched by Russia.
There are 4 images, the first of which is image 1
The Russian Prichal Module docked at the International Space Station. The image is from NASA.
The International Space Station has a new Russian module. The image is from NASA.
The International Space Station is being approached by a new Russian module. The image is from NASA.
The International Space Station is seen by cameras. The image is from NASA.
Prichal can transfer fuel to Nauka, a module that is expected to increase Russian research output. RussianSpaceWeb.com says that Prichal may be useful for Russia as it contemplates its future in the post-ISS era.
Russia may want to create its own space station later in the 2020s, either to be ready in case the aging International Space Station fails or to respond to economic sanctions from the United States, according to state reports.
The US and Russia have been major partners of the International Space Station since the early 1990s, and the current agreement could be extended into the future.
The Prichal rocketed to space on a Russian-built Soyuz rocket. Prichal rode atop a modified Progress cargo ship, which delivered a new module to the space station.
RussianSpaceWeb.com states that the spherical module adds 494 feet of internal volume to the International Space Station. The space station has a record-breaking crew size thanks to the frequent arrival of four people at a time in the roomy SpaceX Crew Dragon spaceship. Russian Soyuz vehicles carry three spaceflyers at a time.
The International Space Station is seen as the Russian Prichal docking module approaches. The image is from NASA.
Prichal will be permanently docked to Nauka's Earth-facing port, and the other five docking stations will be available for visiting spaceships. The Russian segment of the International Space Station will be expanded by Prichal, according to an update from the Russian space agency.
The arrival of Prichal was not as exciting as that of Nauka. The space station was not in any danger when the science module fired its thrusters, although a spacecraft emergency was declared as a precautionary measure.
The space craft moved out of the way to make room for Prichal. The Progress 78 cargo craft left Nauka on Thursday for a return to the Earth's atmosphere. Prichal is expected to detach from the station in late December for a re-entry over the Pacific Ocean.
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