Amazon workers plan Black Friday strikes

The image is from the news.

Amazon workers in the US, UK, and several in the EU are planning to go on strike on Black Friday.

The day is among Amazon's busiest of the year.

The Make Amazon Pay group believes that Amazon takes too much and gives too little.

It is supported by a coalition of labour groups, trade unions, grassroots campaigns and non-profit-making organizations.

That includes the UK.

The union is called the GMB.
The Congress of the Trades Union.
There is a lot of movement.
War on Want.
The International Transport Workers' Federation is made up of transport workers.
Labour is behind the label.

Many employees will be working on the day, but campaign groups which include Amazon workers will be staging protests at several of the company's buildings.

Strikes are being encouraged elsewhere.

The Make Amazon Pay coalition has published a list of common demands, which have been signed by nearly 50 organizations.

Adding hazard pay and peak time increment to warehouse workers' pay.
Worker "surveillance" and strict productivity targets have been halted.
Extending sick leave and improving Covid-19 reporting.
The status of casual employment and union busting is ending.
Paying taxes without using tax havens.

Mick Rix from the GMB Union said that the company is a profiteer. It's time for Amazon to sit down with their workers' union to make them a great place to work.

Amazon reported a tripling of profits earlier this year, due to its success during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The caption is media.

There are five things to know about Jeff Bezos.

The company is accused of taking an anti-union stance in the US.

A landmark push to unionise a workplace in Alabama failed earlier this year, but was examined by the US Regulator over allegations the company had put pressure on employees during the vote.

The War on Want campaign group said that Amazon's growing power is a threat to communities and workers around the world.

Amazon is abusing its dominance to create unfair competition that is driving down standards for everyone.

Amazon workers face unsafe conditions and are treated like machines.

It's time for Amazon to pay its fair share of taxes and wages.

The UK action was not commented on by Amazon.

Its representatives told US media that it is already addressing many of the concerns raised by the Make Amazon Pay group, while admitting that things are not perfect.

Is that the name of the show?