National Bible Week runs from Nov. 21 to Nov. 27. It occurs the week of Thanksgiving, started by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The amusing bit of hokum below, honoring Bible week by celebrating the world's best-selling work of fiction, appeared on the MSN "lifestyle" site in its entirety. It was taken from the Stars Insider site.
It's a lot of attention to be on MSN News, as it reaches over 500M users every month in 180 countries and 31 languages, and it's a site that's been around for a long time.
The first thing you should do is click on the screenshot.
The Bible is open to interpretation and it is not confirmed by science to be accurate in every account. This isn't the case for every single word of the best-selling book of all time. Some of these words have been proven to be true by science.
Intrigued? The parts of the Bible that have been confirmed by science can be found in the following gallery.
Let's see which parts science has confirmed.
The pieces quotes are in italics. I will pick ten or so of these.
1. Earth is round.
Science has confirmed that our planet is round. The Bible states that he sits above the circle of the earth.
Is it starting to dawn on you that what science confirms might be a different interpretation of Scripture? I think this means that the Earth is either a torus or a disk. A circle is not a sphere. Let's move on.
2. The flood is likely to have happened.
The Great Flood and Noah's Ark are two of the most popular stories in the Bible. According to geological evidence, the Noachian flood might have actually happened.
Short answer: no, it did not. There may have been local floods, but there was no flood that drowned humans and all the Earth's creatures.
3. The ark would have worked.
God told Noah to have an ark of three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.
It couldn't have worked for a lot of reasons, and you could figure it out yourself. A boat without metal would be unsafe. How did the animals get to the Ark? Where did the animals live? giraffes and dinosaurs, what about them? What did they give them? What did they do with the poop? How did the animals get to Australia? And so on.
The best analysis of why the Ark couldn't work is found on the National Center for Science Education's website.
> 4) The universe is made of invisible particles.
The universe was formed at God's command so that what is seen was not visible.
The interpretation of this is easy and doesn't imply atoms. It says that God created the Earth from nothing. If you accept Krauss's argument that nothing is unstable and particles could spontaneously arise from a quantum vacuum, a universe from nothing may be true. Even if you don't buy that, the assertion in Hebrews 11 doesn't say anything about invisible particles.
5. David could have defeated him.
The stones from Elah Valley were very dense and could easily hurt the man.
They argue that science suggests that parts of the Bible could be true in principle, but not in reality. I don't know what the evidence is for David and Goliath, who were said to be 9 inches tall.
Wait, there is more here!
David could have defeated him.
There is more. Being a giant, it's likely that he suffered from acromegaly. This can cause problems with vision, and it would have been handy for David.
These people are stretching things. It is more likely that David was not looking to the side, as we have no evidence that he was, than that he was looking to the side.
6. The Sun stopped moving.
An event occurred. On the day the Lord gave the Amorites to Israel, Joshua told the Lord to stand still over the Valley of Aijalon.
The Sun stopped moving.
This was most likely an eclipse that happened in October of 1207 BCE.
The Sun is moving slowly around the center of the Milky Way. The page with the prediction shows a solar eclipse, but it doesn't stop moving.
7. Creatures cannot live without blood.
The story of Adam and Eve is familiar to most of us. Humans have a female biological ancestor called Mitochondrial Eve, which precedes our species. Blood is one thing that connects us all.
This claim is not correct. Not every animal has blood, for example flatworms, nematodes, and cnidarians. This is also true of other animals. Our species did not precede theMitochondrial Eve. The maternal ancestors of all present-day humans lived around 150,000 years ago.
Wait! There is more!
Creatures cannot live without blood.
The blood of a creature is in the air, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourself on the altar.
Apparently God didn't know about flatworms.
Leviticus 11:28 states that anyone who picks up their carcasses must wash their clothes. These animals are not good for you.
What about your hands? If you read the last two words, you'll see that cleanliness refers to which animals are off limits, not decaying animals that carry germs.
Leviticus 11: 27
The carcass of an animal which divides the foot, but is not cloven-hoofed or chews the cud, is not good for you. Everyone who touches it will be bad.
All animals that go on all fours are not good for you. Anyone who touches a carcass will not be allowed to stay.
The old version of "scientific creationism" used the facts of science to confirm the creation stories of Genesis.
There are parts of the Bible that science does not support, such as the simultaneous existence of Adam and Eve as our original ancestors, the slavery in Egypt and Jews wandering about in the desert for four decades, and the Census of Quirinius. If you imply that the Bible is true because some of the historical figures existed, you have to be careful because you have already done all your work. There are two bits that have been shown to be false.