Bob Yirka is a writer for Phys.org.
The hugs were left and right. The credit was given to Acta Psychologica. The article is titled "Actpsy.
A small team of researchers at the University of London have tried to measure the factors that influence the amount of pleasure a person gets from hugging another person. The group describes two separate experiments they conducted to learn more about the experience of hugging in the U.K.
The act of hugging is different in different places, according to common sense. Hugs can be used as a greeting, as a way of expressing intimacy, as a means of consolation, and at times as a way to express attraction. In their first experiment, the researchers tried to measure pleasure levels by hugging only female partners in a clinical setting. The volunteers were told to wear blindfolds to prevent them from seeing the person they were hugging. 48 women were asked to hug a female researcher. The type of hug was in the control of the researcher and consisted of either a criss-cross hug or a neck-waist hug. The volunteers were asked to rate their level of pleasure after the hug.
The researchers found that the only factor that influenced pleasure levels from hugging was how long it lasted. The volunteers didn't like short hugs. They wanted them to be at least five or ten seconds long.
In the second experiment, the researchers walked around the University of London campus and asked people they met to hug each other. In some cases, the pairs were the same gender. The people in the pairs were asked how much they enjoyed the hug. The first experiment showed that the respondents were in favor of longer hugs. They found no difference in pleasure between pairs who hugged criss-cross versus hip-waist, except for when the hug was between two males. Most preferred criss-cross.
The influence of duration, arm crossing style, gender, and emotional closeness on hugging behaviour was studied by Anna L. Dueren et al. The article is titled "Actpsy.
The Science X Network will be launched in 2021.
Researchers studied factors that impact degree of pleasure derived from hugs.
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