The League of Legends has a game called Arcane.
There is a service called Netflix.
I think you can either watch football or watch the new hit show, Arcane, as you gather together for Thanksgiving this year.
If you need actual, hard data to back up your suggestion, here you go:
The nine episodes of Arcane have been out for a week now, and they have 38 million viewing hours, which is 8 million more than second place, Tiger King 2.
The film has a perfect 100% score from critics, but also has a 98% score from fans and a 9.4 on IMDB, putting it in the same tier as Band of Brothers, Chernobyl and Breaking Bad on that site.
Some people will be turned off from the start of the series. It is based on a video game, League of Legends, but you don't need to know anything about the game to enjoy the show, it does a great job of worldbuilding and developing its characters without you having to know anything about the game at all. It is a world of technology and magic with a sad story about family at its core.
It is arcane.
There is a service called Netflix.
I don't think it's appropriate for little kids, given the scary imagery and violence and a good amount of cursing. It is a great series to check out with family this holiday.
Can you make it through all the episodes on Thanksgiving? That could be pushing it. Each episode is 40 minutes long and there are nine of them, so it would take about 6 hours to watch all of them. It is doable! If you don't get to it all in one sitting, it could be finished over the holiday weekend.
You could play it safe and do The Princess Switch 3, but take a chance. You can make family members believe in it if they check it out. If you want more, season 2 has already been greenlit, and it sounds like more shows set in the universe with the same gorgeous animation style are being planned as well.
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It's up to you, but I think you could do a lot worse than preach the gospel of Arcane to your family. It is a fantastic series with unforgettable animation and instantly recognizable characters, who have been icons in League for years, but whatever. Let me know how it goes if you convince your family to give it a try.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are also available on audiobook.