Stephen Colbert and Peter Jackson reminisce about the night they spent crying over Beatles footage

Remember when Stephen Colbert went to New Zealand? They're not allowed to say what happened during the visit, but he found time to see his old friend Peter Jackson while he was there.

Jackson says that they can't talk about the night he showed them the secret footage. The Beatles: Get Back is a documentary about the band's recording sessions, which was given Jackson 56 hours of behind-the-scenes video.

"So I shouldn't mention that two years ago, when I was in New Zealand, I spent the weekend at your house and we spent eight hours over two days watching raw footage that you showed me in the editing process?" asks Colbert.

Jackson says that it would cause huge problems if you said it. I seem to remember that we shed tears.

Colbert's response? I burst into tears when you said I could watch it.

The Beatles: Get Back can be watched on Disney+.

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